Magic the Gathering Game Nights Starting Wednesday August 1st!

Magic the Gathering Game Nights Starting Wednesday August 1st!

You read that right!  After much demand we will be launching Magic the Gathering gaming nights every Wednesday evening from 7-10pm.  Bring your best deck and your game mat and prepare to play against some of the best players in NJ! (and as always, no table fees for casual play!) 

If you are new to Magic or interested in learning, our on staff Magic guru will be on hand to teach you the ropes.  Dan is a competitive player with several awards and can introduce you to the game and help you construct a deck that will shame your next adversary!

Gameplay is casual as we would through our certification with Wizard of the Coast.  Then we will launch into full tournament mode with drafts, quads and more.

We also sell booster packs, singles, deck boxes, sleeves and more.  Come check out the selection and chat with our staff.

Look forward to seeing everyone for another great night of gaming!

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